RADIUS Authentication with VLans on same inteface
Hey All,
Hope this is the right section as it appears to possibly be an issue with the AP or some setting i'm not trying.. So I have two interfaces, LAN/WAN, with 3 VLans setup on the LAN Interface. The LAN Interface ( is connected to a netgear prosafe gs116ev2 ( with VLans 20 (WiFi,, 30, and 40 configured. I installed the FreeRADIUS package on PFSense and wanted to try using RADIUS authentication for WiFi. I configured the interfaces on FreeRadius to be * on port 1812. When i configure the WiFi AP to be on the same subnet or VLan as the LAN interface, i am able to authenticate to the radius server. When I configure the WiFi AP with it's LAN IP as, and the NAS/Client as, I am unable to authenticate, and it generates no logs. I have setup port mirroring on both the trunk/tagged and the untagged port that the AP is plugged into, and I am not seeing any RADIUS traffic in Wireshark when the AP is on the 20 VLan, but I do obviously see the traffic when it is not on the 20 VLan.
You're feeding pfSense a trunk with all VLANs tagged or is that switch in L3 mode and does routing?