Trying to block Webgui from vLan
I have two lans setup:
1. regular untagged LAN ( - webgui)
2. vLan (tagged as 20) ( - webgui)I've followed the instructions here ( - but no matter what I do, vLan=20 can access the pfsense webgui at, and it can also access other webguis on the LAN network (like my engenius routers and hp printer, at for example, The pfsense webgui at is blocked.
Can anyone help me figure this out? I don't want vLan=20 to be able to access the LAN network, but I do want it to be able to talk to other computers on vLan=20 and out to the internet.
Many thanks!
Block "This Firewall" webGUI ports.
Figured it out - I'm using a Cisco SG300 that was in layer 3 mode. Now that I switched it to layer 2 mode everything works normally and I can block access between vLans.
Some Layer 3 switches have some basic Layer 4 features and let you block TCP/UDP ports between VLANs.