Squid3 0.3.7 with pfsense 2.2.4
I have been trying for 3 days to get squid3 to work with 2.2.4. I have been using 2.1.5, but decided it was time to upgrade.
I am using a DQ77KB motherboard with i5-3470, 8gb of ram, and a 64gb msata hard drive.
I first upgraded the firmware and packages via the GUI, squid3 would not start.
I then tried a new install and a restore from a config.xml file via the GUI.
I have now done a new install and tried just loading squid3 from the GUI. When I try to start squid3 in transparent mode, I get the following error:
The following input errors were detected:
The field Log Store Directory is required.
Log location must start with a / character.
Configured log location directory is not valid.I've tried searching, but have not found a solution. Any thoughts on what I need to do to get it to work, and why doing a new install with just the one package results in an error?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Which part of those hints to configure things properly is unclear? Do not leave the field empty and put some /valid/location/in/there. Such as /var/squid/logs perhaps. Upgrade to 0.3.8, hopefully it solves your "issue".
Maybe I'm crazy, but was /var/squid/logs not the default previously? Why would he have to type it in manually?
Thanks for the guidance. Just keying in the path didn't work. I had to check the box to enable logging and key-in the path and it started.
I am now in process or restoring my configuration and see if all works.
Kevin -
Perhaps because upgrade from some superbroken 2.1.x Squid versions just won't work? (Same goes for doing a fresh install and importing the package configuration.)
On that note, the good thing about 0.3.8+ is that - if you at least manage to install it and uninstall it straight away with enabling the "Keep Settings" thing, it should give you a Squid-free config.xml without any manual messing and leftovers from god knows how many old Squid variants and versions.