Squid3 Reverse Proxy - HTTPS
I'm having some difficulty getting a reverse proxy setup with Squid3.
Seem that the HTTP reverse proxy is working properly, but the HTTPS is not.
I've followed this turorial: https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=82488EABA4ACDB15!2298&app=Word&authkey=!ABHZlUvWn0BwW34
and modified the following system tunables:-
net.inet.ip.portrange.first = 0
net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh = 0
To work around the error messages complaining about ports 80 and 443 being below 1024.
I've got two web servers configured:
web.example.com and mail.example.com
When I connect to my single WAN interface using http://web.example.com everything seems to be working fine.
When I connect to https://web.example.com or https://mail.example.com I seem to be redirected to the pfSense Admin interface on port 443.
Any hint at what I should modify to get https reverse proxy to work properly?
Thanks for any help!
I had both HTTP and HTTPS servers behind squid reverse proxy. All was working well until a few days ago.
Suddenly, HTTPS stopped working, redirecting to pfsense login page.
Tried to reboot, upgrade to last version, but still blocking…Any hint ?