Reminder: pfSense Hangout - Remote Access VPNs Pt 2 @1PMCDT/2PMEDT Oct 30, 2015
Gold Subscribers are invited to join us today, Friday, October 30th, 2015 at 1PM CDT / 2PM EDT for our monthly Hangout. This month we will continue talking about Remote Access VPNs with pfSense featuring OpenVPN and IPsec. The primary focus this month will be on iOS and OS X clients (Last month was primarily Windows and Android) – there will be some other items covered as well, so feel free to drop in and there should be more time for Q&A on Remote Access VPNs this session as well.
For a link to the hangout, login at with your account and the information is listed under Active Resources
For those unable to attend live, as usual a recording of the hangout will be posted in the archive for members after it concludes.