BandwidthD menu after 2.2.5 upgrade
Noticed that after upgrading to 2.2.5, I now have two menu selections under the Diagnostics menu for BandwidthD. Each one points to a different url. The two options still remain after an uninstall / reinstall. Don't recall seeing this prior to 2.2.5.
Yes. There are two menus. Intentionally pointing to different places (one is for settings, the other for graphs). Dunno what's wrong with that.
I guess there's nothing really wrong with it. Just not very intuitive. Example, I don't see the URL when I hover over the menu option when in Safari, just have to remember which one is what. I guess my point of my post, was that I didn't have this issue prior to upgrading to 2.2.5. Appears all my packages were reinstalled after the upgrade, so something changed as it wasn't like this before.
One menu item is called DandwidthD and the other BandwidthD Settings. Sounds very intuitive to me. Perhaps try with some non-broken theme.
Indeed it does. Changed from the metallic theme to the standard and it displays correctly.
Good. Themes are completely gone in 2.3, so this one is something you'd have to fix yourself locally.