URL filtering Squidguard and PfSense 2.2.5 (SOLVED)
Hi, I have earlier used the Squid and Squidguard with PfSense, but now I cannot get it to work when I am trying to install it. This is several years ago.
Therefore I have some questions I hope someone can help med with.
I am running PfSense V. 2.2.5-RELEASE (amd64) and first of all I need some help picking the right packages. Should I use Squid and Squidguard, or should I pick Squid3 instead of Squid?
When I am using Squid and Squidguard I manage to install them both to myPfSense, but I am experience problem with starting especially the Squidguard service. I manage to install the blacklist and setup the rules. I am using transparent proxy btw. Does anyone know if these Squid and Squidguard version are compatible with PfSense 2.2.5?
Any help will be appreciated. -
Squid is completely dead 2.7 branch. The only maintained Squid package is Squid3 (3.4 branch). There are descriptions in the package manager. Pick whatever you want.
As for Squidguard, make sure you read this before enabling: https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=94312.0 for details.
Thank you for pointing me in right direction doktornotor! I have checked out the link you provided me with, and now it works perfectly. The trick was in the link, creating a dummy target rule, before enabling the SquidGuard.
Thank you very much!
Case closed. -
I use squid 2.7 and squidguard. After upgrade to 2.2.5 everything is working fine.
If you dont want to reload blacklist after every reboot, just make at least one entry into "target categories".
Oh… i didn't see that the case is closed.