Is the three-line nav button on the top right…
GUI folks usually reference this icon as burger- or whopper-menu
… suppose to toggle the menu style?
Hopefully not! It's THE icon for a menu. Every other use would be misleading and I hope that pfSense uses it in this way too.
I have to admit that I have not tested any of the bootstrapped 2.3 versions myself. I do GUIs (touchpanel interfaces) as part of my day job, well, mostly at night, though… ;-) -
Biggsy, the WebGUI options are in System > General Setup
Edit: I can try and get it to transition to the vertical "burger menu" at smaller than 991px width…that is still kind of large.
Thanks all.
I don't think I had resized the browser window from when I first connected and used the main menu but I'll have another look at that later.
I must be getting old. I'd never heard of a "Burger menu" before - at least not in relation to GUIs. :)