Openvpn Site-to-Site not working
Hello to all, and sorry for my Noob Request.
i followed the official documentation on how to setup a site to site vpn at this link: tunnel Goes up but i have a big problem.
Site a (server ovpn ):
tunnel network:
local network:
remote network: B (Client ):
Tunnel Network: As Above
Local Network:
Remote Network: can ping the IPs on the but not the networks behind the tunnell on no one of the 2 side…
What am i missing?
Tks in advance.
Simone -
Have you added firewall rules to allow traffic?
After you have set up the site-to-site you got new "OpenVPN" interface tabs in Firewall > Rules at both sites.
Here you have to add rules to allow incoming traffic. -
Well i solved the problem.
Rebuild the VPN using Rebooted Both Firewall….
Than to redirect the internet throught the vpn just chect the related boxes and and create the nat routes...