Snort: Clear Pending Changes?
If I have hit the Remove all changes to all categories button by accident on a particular interface, but not yet pressed Apply Changes, is there any way I can clear the pending removal?
Rob. -
Hmmm, like - go away from the page? Or that doesn't work?
There will be text file created in /var/run with an extension of ".dirty". I don't recall the rest of the filename, but I suspect it will have "snort" in the name someplace. Delete that. Just do not delete any *.pid files! The code uses the native function mark_subsystem_dirty() to flag changes. Other native pfSense code checks files created by that function to see when to display the "apply changes" prompt.
Of course a firewall reboot will also clear the message, but simply deleting the file will fix it without a reboot.
Brilliant, a firewall reboot dealt with it. Navigating away did not remove the dirty file. Might be useful if there were some sort of 'purge' facility available for handling unwanted pending changes.