2.3 broke gmail email notices
was using gmail for notices and upgrade to 2.3 broke it
Dec 11 21:08:26 php-fpm 80380 /system_advanced_notifications.php: Could not send the message to xxxxxx@gmail.com – Error: could not connect to the host "smtp.gmail.com": ??
the other issue with this on 2.2.5 i noticed if u configure gmail and with multiple wan connections which keep going up and down over time then it keeps sending mails constantly untill gmail servers refuse it with daily emails limit reached, there should be something which can delay sending mails for x mins to avoid this
the other issue with this on 2.2.5 i noticed if u configure gmail and with multiple wan connections which keep going up and down over time then it keeps sending mails constantly untill gmail servers refuse it with daily emails limit reached, there should be something which can delay sending mails for x mins to avoid this
This is apparently the "mention bugs that are known and have a ticket open already" thread.