Squid3 connection refused
Hi all and Happy Christmas,
In short, i have squid3 and squid guard installed. Squid guard is set to block all websites unless on the white list. Now this seems to work fine however there is a certain web server i cant access as i get an error connection to failed… Connection refused.
I have checked the logs and there is no blocked log for it at all, however when squid guard usually block a site i get "unable to connect" page
So in short; i get the below message
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://cms.mysebsite.com/a-z_index.htm
Connection to failed.
The system returned: (61) Connection refused
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
Your cache administrator is servicedesk@domain.com
Any ideas please?
First idea would be to post this in the Cache/Proxy forum where it belongs. Your issue has nothing to do with the firewall, per se.
Connection refused means exactly that. The service you're trying to connect to refused the connection. Check your squid access.log as well as your web server's logs for further clues.