OpenAppID Stats
I'm trying to get the openapp id stats to elk.
Using the u2openappid command to get the data into a logfile. This Logfile can then be send to logstash using syslog-ng.
The problem i'am facing is that the file has a different name (timestamp) every time. hoping to use a cronjob running someting like this:u2openappid /var/log/snort/snort_em02035/app-stats.log.* > /var/syslog-ng/openappid.log
And then use syslog-ng to tail the file:
syslog(transport(udp) port(5150) ip(;
file(“/var/syslog-ng/openappid.log” program_override(“OpenAppID”) flags(no-parse) follow_freq(1) );
};Anybody been trying the same?
The result should be easy to parse using logstash so the problem is more getting it there.Grok: