Latest snap and gitsync syntax error
Crash report begins. Anonymous machine information:
FreeBSD 10.3-PRERELEASE #337 c50df8e(devel): Sat Jan 23 02:48:52 CST 2016 root@pfs23-amd64-builder:/usr/home/pfsense/pfsense/tmp/obj/usr/home/pfsense/pfsense/tmp/FreeBSD-src/sys/pfSenseCrash report details:
PHP Errors:
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 1. {main}() /usr/local/www/ifstats.php:0
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 2. require_once() /usr/local/www/ifstats.php:63
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 3. get_configured_interface_with_descr() /usr/local/www/
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 1. {main}() /usr/local/www/ifstats.php:0
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 2. require_once() /usr/local/www/ifstats.php:63
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 3. require_once() /usr/local/www/
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 4. include_once() /etc/inc/
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 5. get_configured_ip_addresses() /etc/inc/
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 6. get_configured_interface_list() /etc/inc/
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 1. {main}() /usr/local/www/ifstats.php:0
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 2. require_once() /usr/local/www/ifstats.php:63
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 3. require_once() /usr/local/www/
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 4. include_once() /etc/inc/
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 5. get_configured_ipv6_addresses() /etc/inc/
[23-Jan-2016 10:28:59 Etc/UTC] PHP 6. get_configured_interface_list() /etc/inc/ /var/crash/minfree
2048 -
I have gitsync'd to the current master and don't see that. I added the Interface Statistics widget to the dashboard, and tried navigating directly to ifstats.php and no error.
What happens if you use Diagnostics->Command Prompt and execute the bits of PHP mentioned in those stack traces:
$spiflist = get_configured_interface_with_descr(false, true); var_dump($spiflist); $interfaces = get_configured_interface_list(); var_dump($interfaces);
Does it give an error, or good-looking output?
All good I guess :)
array(6) { 'wan' => string(3) "WAN" 'lan' => string(5) "LAN10" 'opt1' => string(6) "LAN172" 'opt2' => string(5) "PPPOE" 'opt3' => string(6) "LAN192" 'opt4' => string(5) "ONLY6" } array(6) { 'wan' => string(3) "wan" 'lan' => string(3) "lan" 'opt1' => string(4) "opt1" 'opt2' => string(4) "opt2" 'opt3' => string(4) "opt3" 'opt4' => string(4) "opt4" }
Well, what to say? I wish those "crash" messages displayed the actual PHP error message, rather than just a trace.
Lets ignore this one :)
Well, what to say? I wish those "crash" messages displayed the actual PHP error message, rather than just a trace.
Indeed, those aren't really helpful. Haven't had a chance to dig into why that type of "crash" doesn't include the PHP error, but that's irked me as well.