Captive portal for local network only
Hello guys,
as extended googleing didn't help I am turning to you for help.
I am trying to setup a local network with a server running on a Mac Mini (that part works) and everyone who connects to the network I create shall be automatically redirected to said server.
Now I got out an old Netgear WiFi router I had, deactivated its DHCP server and reused an old Dell laptop to run pfsense off a USB stick and act as a router.
What works is that every device connecting to the WiFi network (provided by the Netgear) or via LAN gets an IP-address by the Dell and is able to see each other.
Now for the difficult part. I am no networking engineer and I might lack understanding but I used a tutorial I found to set up the captive portal with a destination IP and bound it to the LAN device. Now I would expect everything that connects to the network to get to the portal and be redirected to the IP-address I specified but nothing is happening. Even after opening a browser and trying to open a page it just delivers an error message.
What am I missing?
Providing the error message might help someone help you.
Hi and thanks for your answer. I can't recall the exact error message as it is generated in Google Chrome on Android and I was pretty sure it just meant that Google was unavailable. Just googled and it was something like ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED or ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED.
PFsense didn't show any activity in the captive portal and no active user.
You have to pass DNS using IP address pass throughs so your clients can resolve names. If the browser can't resolve names the browser never attempts a connection so there's nothing for the captive portal to intercept.
Pass through? Does this work locally as I don't intend to use an Internet connection. What is passed through and where do I adjust that?
put in your google chrome address bar and see what happens.
It apparently waits quite a long time for something to happen (blue progress bar loads to about a third) but then presents me an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.
I clicked around in status and found the services running like seen on the picture below. Don't know if that helps.
![Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-11 um 10.29.16.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-11 um 10.29.16.png)
![Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-11 um 10.29.16.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-11 um 10.29.16.png_thumb)