Fyi - php, jquery, etc.
on last night's beta build (0207.1535), some php code is looking for old libs
workarounds for things I've run into…
@ /usr/local/lib/php
ln -s 20131226 20121212@ /usr/local/www/jquery
ln -s jquery-1.12.0.min.js jquery-1.11.2.min.jsalso fwiw, nginx barks that suricata ( is missing many icons, and php also chokes at line 319 of suricata_interfaces.php (undefined function trtoupper).
Suricata and snort aren`t yet ported to 2.3 hence the errors.
jquery was for QoS (status>queues is broken w/out)
also system>packages>available would barf if the php workaround wasn't there.apart from the visuals, on system upgrade from 2.2.6, suricate "seems" to work OK in 2.3 (the port is flagged as 50% complete in redmine as of about 2 weeks ago)
@mods, if this sort of feedback belongs in redmine instead of here, please let me know.
I opened a ticket for the jquery one: