Is there a way to have ntopng ignore traffic between local interfaces?
Even with historical data disabled, ntopng uses a lot of disk space for me. For example:
date && du -chs /var/db/ntopng
Thu Feb 18 20:02:09 CST 2016 4.6M /var/db/ntopng 4.6M total
Thu Feb 18 23:17:07 CST 2016 42G /var/db/ntopng 42G total
That's 10GB+ per hour. I suspect it's because I have 2 LANs. I haven't tested it thoroughly, but it seems like large jumps in disk usage coincide with transferring large files between LANs.
I've read that ntopng will take a libpcap filter using a –packet-filter option. Does anyone know if it's possible to pass a libpcap like filter to ntopng in pfSense?
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