Weird prob. after dash loads it immediately redirects to the WAN traffic graph
The same thing happens on the Status -> Traffic Graph page:
https://pfs/status_graph.php?if=wan redirects immediately to https://pfs/graph.php?ifnum=wan&ifname=WAN
Are you logging in with your own account or the admin account? If it's not the 'admin' account, what are the accounts privileges?
The only way a redirect like that will usually happen is if a user tries to load a page for which it does not have privileges, and the system redirects it to the first page in its permissions list for which the account has access.
just the admin account. I did just create a new ca and user/server certs for openvpn use the day before but I have never logged in with anything other than admin
I should probably mention that this is Mac OS X as well. I will try on a VirtualBox Windows PC with FireFox 45 in a few.
While I was trying to duplicate this with FF45 on windows 7 somehow my OSX Firefox profile prefs.js got reset, it went from 940K to 40K and this stopped happening now. I do have a copy of the old profile with the prefs.js file and I can be pretty sure that something in that file caused this problem.
As far as not being able to change the desktop widget layout, the problem was in config.xml, somehow the widget sequence array got screwy with a couple of undefined entries:
pfSense shell: print_r($config['widgets']['sequence']); pfSense shell: exec gateways:col1:open,system_information:col1:open,interfaces:col2:open,openvpn:col2:open,undefined:col2:close,undefined:col2:close,traffic_graphs:col2:open,services_status:col3:open
I deleted the undefined entries from /cf/conf/config.xml and now I can change the dashboard widgets again.
I have no idea how I managed to get the sequence into that state but I was changing the dashboard theme and the other BETA options in System -> General Setup and testing the widget in different columns when it happened so who knows?
I can confirm exactly the same behaviour on FF 45. Immediately graph zoom to fullscreen. The same i open Status > Traffic graph. Anybody know how to fix this?
For some reason this started happening again for me.
I do have a FF 45.0.1 update to try and I will try to upgrade from 2.3.b.20160316.1603 to 2.3.b.20160319.0607 apparently there are CSS changes in there somewhere.
There is something in my heavily modified prefs.js that causes this to happen. And it's not any extensions although I have disabled the Openh323 Cisco abomination and the "default browser helper" whatever that is…
OK! I guess the 45.0.1 update solved the problem.
Given that it only affected a handful of people, started with FF 45, and went away with FF 45.0.1, it's pretty clear it was a Firefox problem in this case.
For those who can't/won't upgrade to 45.0.1:
Hold "Shift" while starting Firefox.
Clean settings.
Reinstall/Configure Pluginsalso solves the Problem whatever it was ;)