2.3 misses MTU/MRU setting in PPPoE advanced config
The 2.3 22-03 snapshot misses the MTU and MRU setting in the PPPoE advanced config section.
The 2.3 release should support RFC-4638 by default without a patch, but now I can configure it :-(Is there an other way to configure MTU/MRU negotiation ?
Is on the interface Settings?. In my case should i put 1492 or is this auto for a PPPoE connection?

Yeah, it is broken.
We're fixing it, thanks for the report!
Ok thanks loos !!
any change you have a estimate on when the fix will be available in a 2.3 snapshot?
Just pushed a fix.
Available via gitsync right now and in the next snapshot. (Current snaphot is 2.3.b.20160322.1146 so the next one after that)