List of packages NOT available in 2.3 please?
LCDProc (and Dev) aren't available. Luckily I don't often look at my Firebox's screen.
I have provided the packages avaliable in this forum post. Anything not there is not avaliable even now with the RC out (From what I can see).
I have provided the packages avaliable in this forum post. Anything not there is not avaliable even now with the RC out (From what I can see).
Still would be nice to have the official answer/list from the pfsense team itself and the plans/ETA to bring (or not) the missing packages to 2.3.
the gdrive document on the sticky post is probably what you are looking for
the gdrive document on the sticky post is probably what you are looking for
me2 waiting for ntopng , its a nice package to analyze type of traffic happening in network , hopefully it will b ported soon
simple packages like bwm-ng nano there availlable in the freebsd repository, .. not sure why you can't just pkg install them
can we have htop in version 2.3? =)
nice to have: freeipa-client
simple packages like bwm-ng nano there availlable in the freebsd repository, .. not sure why you can't just pkg install them
Some things you can do that… other things had customizable settings that would then be backed up with your pfSense configuration, or had widgets or other items integrated. Just doing pkg install doesn't get those added bonuses when used with pfSense.
simple packages like bwm-ng nano there availlable in the freebsd repository, .. not sure why you can't just pkg install them
Because the pfSense base and packages are all using pkg from our own custom repository, we can't easily accommodate having package from our repo and the FreeBSD repo concurrently without potential dependency issues. It may work, it may not. We have tossed around the idea of, post-release, letting our package server build a full set so they would all be available from our own package servers, but that will take quite a bit of time/cpu so it would have to wait until we have a stable release first and not using the servers for a steady stream of snapshot builds :-)