What on earth am I doing wrong? [SQUID 3.4.8]
There are multiple I.P's on my server which I want to use for proxies. Access only allowed by a specific I.P.
But whatever I try, all connections are accepted. I want it only to be accessed by the I.P specified as 'AllowedClientIp'This is my config file:
http_port PROXYIP:PORT name=1
http_port PROXYIP:PORT name=2
http_port PROXYIP:PORT name=3acl een myportname 1 src AllowedClientIp
http_access allow een
tcp_outgoing_address PROXYIP:PORT eenacl twee myportname 2 src AllowedClientIp
http_access allow twee
tcp_outgoing_address PROXYIP:PORT tweeacl drie myportname 3 src AllowedClientIp
http_access allow drie
tcp_outgoing_address PROXYIP:PORT driehttp_access deny all