Openvpn client no lan access.. no internet access
Hello, I have been trying to set up the openvpn server on pfsense. The client connects fine but it cannot ping or access LAN segment. IF internet traffic if forced to the tunnel Client doe not have Internet access or LAN access either..
Lan IP is
OpenVPN network is you help? Thank you
attached are screenshots of servers config and
Client config is as followsdev tun
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256
resolv-retry infinite
remote xxxxxxxxx tcp-client
lport 0
verify-x509-name "xxxxxxxxx" name
pkcs12 pfsense-TCP-443.p12
tls-auth pfsense-TCP-443.key 1
ns-cert-type server
comp-lzo no
Answering to my own post
After 2 days of struggle…. I disabled "Allow communication between clients" and now openvpn client can see internal LAN. and can see internet traffic..
Before client would connect to openvpn server but would not be able to go anywhere.. not even pinging the openvpn server interface
prior to pfsense openvpn I used OpenVPN Access Server Virtual Appliance server and did not have these problems (same setup NAT..) and openvpn clients would see each other..Luckily.. i do not need the vpn clients to see each other...