Squid+Squidguard Broken after 2.3 update
I have 5 Pfsense Boxes running just basics with Squid and SquidGuard. I had the same issue with upgrading. Here is what I did to fix it.
1. Uninstall both packages.
2. ssh into consoleDelete these folders. ( I had to do rm -rf )
rm /var/squid
rm /var/squidGuard
rm /logs/squid
rm /logs/squidGuard3. Reboot
4. Install Squid
5. Install SquidGuard
6. RebootEverything worked after that. All my settings were in tact and blacklist download worked. I tried reinstalling and it didn't work. I'm thinking there is a folder permission issue and by removing it all and deleting the folders it allows squid and squidguard to install fresh and set folder permissions correct. I always reboot anything to make sure it loads fresh and I don't get any surprises if later down the road when it doesn't boot up and by then I forgot what I did.
BTW. I use Squid and SquidGuard HEAVY. I have whitelist, blacklist, ACL's everywhere Groups, Common, Target Categories. All my settings fell right back in.
Yeah pretty much what I did only that in different order, it might be a folder permission because I also delete the folders.
Settings were always ok, but beacuse in my case it didn't allow to download the blackilist, when it tried to parse the Categories with the folder I believe it didn't find a match and that was the error i kept getting.I also use squid+suidGuard with all my clients, but still I have to spam the Blacklist download button, not that much of an issue as to go back and re do all the procedures right now, but might try your method in a couple of weeks.
Hello I tried the method by Rickinfl and that did not work. I ended up using my old backup config file even though I knew pfsense was not going to rollback. This ended up fixing the problem for SquidGuard. It stayed as the 2.3 version but SquidGuard has a started state and all my rules were there.
My problems is gone after this steps:
mv /var/squid/cache /var/squid/cache.old
squid -z
rm -rf /var/squid/cache.old -
So I went to edit one of my Groups ACL and noticed that the target rules just says "!all" in it. I am unable to edit target rules. Anyone have any possible solution or similar problem?
This fixed the process from not starting but the proxy isn't actually working even though it is running. Antivirus isn't catching any viruses and the proxy isnt getting detected.
Did you enable it? Even though it's running you have to check the enable squid proxy checkbox in Proxy Server>General>Enable Squid Proxy.
Did you enable it? Even though it's running you have to check the enable squid proxy checkbox in Proxy Server>General>Enable Squid Proxy.
Yes, I tried on only one interface - disabling transparent only - delete the package then nuking the folder from cmd
I also did a clean install and tried it from scratch - then tried it loading my config.Nada.
My other location still on 2.2.6 shows carp squid as a proxy when tested.
I mean 2.3 is freaking amazing - just letting ya'll know i think squid is broken at the moment.
I got mine working fine squud+squid guard even updated…
Do you use ACL, do you see the config you had before updating?
Do you have dummy category on Proxy Filter?
Can you download blacklist?
Did you try using backup from 2.2.6 on 2.3?Maybe you have other system variables that are making it worse?
I got mine working fine squud+squid guard even updated…
Do you use ACL, do you see the config you had before updating?
Do you have dummy category on Proxy Filter?
Can you download blacklist?
Did you try using backup from 2.2.6 on 2.3?Maybe you have other system variables that are making it worse?
Nope nothing fancy, my gut tells me to mention that I'm using captive portal, though. But I did try squid on a fresh install with no other packages and default only settings. 1 wan and 3 lans.
Edit - if you run the dslreport.com/speedtest does it say you're behind a proxy?
Ok after a couple of different methods to try and make it work, uploading tar file, ungz , untar, create and delete folder, move thing s around,
Frustrated I went to my original backup before updating to 2.3, restored it, enabled squid.
And heres the magic, it appears I have to spam the download button (5+ clicks under 2 secs) in squidGuard>Blacklist>Download and tada, it started working.
Hope this might help anyone with this specific problem,
Its ok for me the "magic click" :)
Thanks vagrant00
I had the same problem of the blacklist not being able to be downloaded (Jumping back to 0% even after smashing the button repeatedly, 5 times in 2 seconds ) I was using Firefox… ended up trying it in Chrome and it worked fine on the first click. Blacklist update complete ;D
Ok after a couple of different methods to try and make it work, uploading tar file, ungz , untar, create and delete folder, move thing s around,
Frustrated I went to my original backup before updating to 2.3, restored it, enabled squid.
And heres the magic, it appears I have to spam the download button (5+ clicks under 2 secs) in squidGuard>Blacklist>Download and tada, it started working.
Hope this might help anyone with this specific problem,
Its ok for me the "magic click" :)
Thanks vagrant00
Worked for me! Thanks!
I have 5 Pfsense Boxes running just basics with Squid and SquidGuard. I had the same issue with upgrading. Here is what I did to fix it.
1. Uninstall both packages.
2. ssh into consoleDelete these folders. ( I had to do rm -rf )
rm /var/squid
rm /var/squidGuard
rm /logs/squid
rm /logs/squidGuard3. Reboot
4. Install Squid
5. Install SquidGuard
6. RebootEverything worked after that. All my settings were in tact and blacklist download worked. I tried reinstalling and it didn't work. I'm thinking there is a folder permission issue and by removing it all and deleting the folders it allows squid and squidguard to install fresh and set folder permissions correct. I always reboot anything to make sure it loads fresh and I don't get any surprises if later down the road when it doesn't boot up and by then I forgot what I did.
BTW. I use Squid and SquidGuard HEAVY. I have whitelist, blacklist, ACL's everywhere Groups, Common, Target Categories. All my settings fell right back in.
Worked for me. Thanks for this :)
Hmm..nothing works for me running on 2.3.1_p5
Removed the directories after deinstalling squidGuard…rebooted, reinstalled...just stops immediately when enabling:
07.07.2016 18:15:17 squidGuard stopped (1467908117.824) 07.07.2016 18:15:17 db update done 07.07.2016 18:15:17 squidGuard 1.4 started (1467908117.813)
I might try a fresh installation on a spare pcengine gateway…
I've managed to make it work on all my machines by deleting the /var/squid/cache folder contents (rm -R /var/squid/cache/*) and then re-creating the folders with squid -z
Sometimes removing everything in the cache and then reinstalling squid and squidguard then running squid -z works. Be sure to check your system logs for errors. -
I have 5 Pfsense Boxes running just basics with Squid and SquidGuard. I had the same issue with upgrading. Here is what I did to fix it.
1. Uninstall both packages.
2. ssh into consoleDelete these folders. ( I had to do rm -rf )
rm /var/squid
rm /var/squidGuard
rm /logs/squid
rm /logs/squidGuard3. Reboot
4. Install Squid
5. Install SquidGuard
6. RebootThanks this got it up and going for me as well. Interestingly this also seems to have solved the problems I was also having with the webgui crashing with 502/504 errors.
I'm new to pfsense how do I get in to ssh console
There is a command option under diagnostics. When you execute a command let it complete before giving it a new command.
When I try to delete log for squid or squid guard it says access denied what aim I doing wrong or what can I do to delete the logs for squid and squid guard
First make sure the package is no longer installed and then…
chmod -R 777 /var/squid
rm -R /var/squid