Pfsense 2.3 + Squid Transparent + pfsense with a mulltilan configuration
I have a squid (stock version on pf 2.3), and have run into a snag.
I have ONE lan with transparent proxy, and 4 others without.If form another lan (other than the transparent proxy) i specify http_proxy=http://IP:3128 i get a timeout form the proxy.
The IP / Port is open (i can telnet into into it on port 3128).I don't get a timeout form the connection. I get squid reporting that it cannot access itself on that proxy IP:
_Connection to failed.
The system returned: (60) Operation timed out
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again._
Is there any NAT automatically inserted on the rules that its not possible to see from the webgui?
Is it possibe to disable those nat rules?I want form a not transparent proxy network, to access the IP/Port of the proxy on that lan as simple proxy.
Thanks for a wonderful product!
It appears that the issue was being generated by squid itself and not any regarding rules.
The behavior of the transparent vs intercept options is different on usage.
For the workaround:
3128 as a proxy port. No configuration whatsoever on the gui about being a transparent proxy.
On the custom acl's add:
http_port 3129 intercept
restart the squid, and then on the NAT configuration redirect the transparent traffic to the 3129 port and the standard usage of 3128 to the correct port.
I have received the access denied message in http access.