Squid3 - Reverse Proxy - What am I missing?
I'm running PFSense 2.2.6 (on a SG bought from this site) with Squid3. I have 4 IP cameras that do not have HTTPS capability, so I am trying to use the reverse proxy to secure the connection with HTTPS over the internet back to the firewall. I've got this working sort of, but what happens is, it rotates all cameras across the screen or the app viewer - the reverse proxy does not know which camera to forward where so it apparently rotates all of them through the browser or viewer.
The reverse proxy allows you to enable on HTTPS a single port. Since it's one external port and 4 cameras with unique HTTP ports behind that, how do I get the proxy to forward requests to the right camera? As these are IP Cameras and not websites, I am not sure how to get the reverse proxy to know where to send the traffic to.
Any tips appreciated, thanks.