Error on Console_Types page?
I've been struggling to get a serial console working and came across what may be an error in the docs (or a bug in pfsense 2.3?). The Console_Types page states that System->Advanced should have a option to enable/disable serial console. On my fresh install of nanobsd-vga there is no checkbox just an option to set the port speed:
Serial console does seem to be enabled as I see "-S115200" at the boot prompt but I haven't been able to confirm as my serial-USB adapter is faulty (fails loopback test) and I'm waiting on a new one.
It looks like the input fields for those serial-or-VGA choices are not being displayed in 2.3 on nanobsd VGA.
I raised a Redmine issue: -
I've pushed a fix for that or 2.3.2-devel snapshots