Suricata v3.0 - Drop Rules Highlight Color
I am having trouble differentiating from the dark red dropped rules from the black alerts. I am unfortunately color deficient. I see color just not in a normal way. I have a hard time with red and brown. Anyway, I was wondering which file to edit, to alter the highlighted color. Thanks.
I am having trouble differentiating from the dark red dropped rules from the black alerts. I am unfortunately color deficient. I see color just not in a normal way. I have a hard time with red and brown. Anyway, I was wondering which file to edit, to alter the highlighted color. Thanks.
You can edit the PHP source file for the Suricata package and change the Bootstrap class to change color. Unfortunately, if you reinstall Suricata or update the package, your change will get overwritten and need to be repeated. Nevertheless, here is the change you need to make –
1. Edit the file /usr/local/www/suricata/suricata_alerts.php
2. Locate lines 962 through 964 in the file. They should look like this:
3. Change the string "text-danger" to another valid Bootstrap text color class. Some other valid options are "text-success" (green), "text-warning" (orange), "text-info" (teal) and "text-primary" (blue). You could also use colored backgrounds instead of colored text with classes such as "bg-warning". See this link for more examples:
Thank you very much. I understand I will have to change this every time there is an update. It wasn't a hard change to make and it is something I can do when needed. Thank you again for your time.
Thank you very much. I understand I will have to change this every time there is an update. It wasn't a hard change to make and it is something I can do when needed. Thank you again for your time.
Glad to be of help.