PFSense + Squid + Captive Portal
Hello together,
I have to create a wlan project and I have to log all the user traffic. I installed squid + captive portal. I have created some local user called room1, room2 etc. now its possible to logon. Squidlight is creating some reports but I only see the IP adress. Is there any chance to get the logon name into the logfile? if I use captive portal as auth method at squid I can`t login, if I use none logging works but I only get the IP adress as user.
could someone help me :D
You need to patch check_ip.php, as the captive portal database is changed since 2.2.6
The check_ip.php patch is in this thread:
(Only the first patch is needed) -
Thank you so much. Works perfect :)
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