Custom Dark-Blue Theme / Skin (screenshots and video)
Let me know what do you think about this theme, here is some screenshots and a video.**
Youtube Video -
A lot of the elements seem to be way too big, but I definitely like the dark colour on the Traffic Graph widget. That was something I asked for many, many months ago but for whatever reason it didn't make it into the 2.3 release.
looks nice! You should share it on github!
Looks great! I agree with KOM that some of the elements are a bit large (I'd probably zoom out a bit using my browser), but I like the color palette and icon usage!
I like those "quick access" buttons at the top. -
Please upload to github or something man, love it!
you should upload or sell this theme !
Is there an update or a download for this skin? it's fantastic.
I'm in. Any updates on sharing?
this was the first and only post by the thread starter and it dates back to May 2016.
No-one should seriously think this will ever get a follow-up from "Anxy". -
Send Me This Theme link and tell me how to install Pfence 2.4.3 -
Send it Githud Please
@jahonix i suspect its a photoshop job, not a working skin...
This thread is from 2 years go - he is not coming back. Thread locked