Traffic Graph on LAN only shows 0.00 Bits/sec Bandwidth In
Checking Traffic Graph details for LAN Interface only shows
Bandwidth In Bandwidth Out
0.00 Bits/sec 2.57k Bits/secFor all Host IPs, while Bandwidth Out normally shows 2.4-2.7 k Bits/Sec
Sometimes no Host IP shows in details but graph shows traffic.
Started when I upgraded from 2.2.6 to 2.3 and 2.3_1 update did not fix the bug either.
I have Squid, Squidguard and Lightsquid installed. I have the same setup for another subnet but its traffic graph works fine.
Curious, i've got a similar issue (but i found that is related to a particular configuration on Suricata). But from the package list you provide i can see that you're not using it…right?
What is the hardware of the NIC you use?
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