Forcing Youtube Safe Search
After some googling I came across the following rewrites that I need to do to enforce youtube safe searchs
YouTube Safety Mode is enforced by rewriting a specific cookie in client request headers, while SafeSearch (for google etc…) is enforced by simply adding a string to the request URL (which is what the edufilter filtering does).
a quick google of "rewrite youtube header to use safety mode" brings up some info, but most of it is at least a couple years old and I'm not sure how (or if) it could be implemented in pfSense / squidguard.
Youtube Safe Search
RewriteCond URL
RewriteHeader Cookie: (.*) PREF=f2=8000000RewriteRule (.)?*) $$2&safety_mode=true [I,L]
Like the write in the above, I have no ideas as to how this would look in SquidGuard. Could someone give me a hand? Thanks
It is not possible to rewrite the Cookie header in Squid guard. You need to have the content scanning/modification engine. Typically ICAP protocol is used for this purpose like in