Captive portal , temp server , web server , vmwaree server , print server
in our network we have temp or samba server m print server , vmware server and web server, each client has IP and we do not have DHCP server . I have pfsense server . with multi WAN and load balance and failover and PFsense work like charm , and I have squid too and I use lightsquid too , I installed squid and light squid in PFSense server . I use transparent mode in Squid and all our network has internet . and all user can uuse temp server and web server for their project .
My Boss wan me run Captive portal . for user Authentication .
but I search and and find Captive portal need DHCP on interface , when I run DHCP server on PFSense , so all user in our network need change their IP and use DHCP , if they use DHCP , they can not access to Temp server and webserver , because IP of temp server and print server and web server is static .what I must do with this problem ???
I need help please
…..if they use DHCP , they can not access to Temp server and webserver , because IP of temp server and print server and web server is static .
Since when system with a static IP can't be reached by a system which obtained an IP by DHCP ??
You really should detail about your network setup.I re-read you message several times. I can't understand your problem, and probably I'm not the only one.
…..if they use DHCP , they can not access to Temp server and webserver , because IP of temp server and print server and web server is static .
Since when system with a static IP can't be reached by a system which obtained an IP by DHCP ??
You really should detail about your network setup.I re-read you message several times. I can't understand your problem, and probably I'm not the only one.
My problem is this
in our network each computer has IP like this and each computer do not use DHCP for get IP , network administrator set IP for each computer , and they do not want use DHCP , because we have web server , temp server and print server and vmwate server .and IPs of these server can not change.
So I have PFsense with Load balance and Failover and multiwan and squid .
squid has transparent mode.
So I want run Captive portal . Captive portal need DHCP .
what I must do when Captive portal need DHCP for work and computers in our network has IP like this
Computer 1 :
Computer 2:
computer 100: -
…..if they use DHCP , they can not access to Temp server and webserver , because IP of temp server and print server and web server is static .
Since when system with a static IP can't be reached by a system which obtained an IP by DHCP ??
You really should detail about your network setup.I re-read you message several times. I can't understand your problem, and probably I'm not the only one.
My problem is this
in our network each computer has IP like this and each computer do not use DHCP for get IP , network administrator set IP for each computer , and they do not want use DHCP , because we have web server , temp server and print server and vmwate server .and IPs of these server can not change.
So I have PFsense with Load balance and Failover and multiwan and squid .
squid has transparent mode.
So I want run Captive portal . Captive portal need DHCP .
what I must do when Captive portal need DHCP for work and computers in our network has IP like this
Computer 1 :
Computer 2:
computer 100:
All this proofs to you that you NEED to use DHCP IP assignment for all your client devices - and you shouldn't use static IP assignment (except maybe servers).
When a device obtains an IP, it also obtains (among other) an IP for a DNS server, which should be pfSense.
Use the DNS server on pfSense ( ServicesDNS => ResolverGeneral => Settings ) to make host overrides, so you can assigns names to servers with static IP's.
Now, your clients could use these names. Always.Btw : my intranet (LAN) servers also use DHCP (not static), but I instructed my DHCP server (also pfSense) that it should always give the same IP to these servers.
Do not take me wrong, but I think you miss some (basic) network management knowledge ;)