@bmeeks Awesome, thank you for that explanation!
It makes sense for it to cycle the interface like that then, I wanted to make 100% sure this was supposed to happen :)
@stephenw10 Yup, I was able to update just fine to 24.03b latest!
Wasn't sure if it would prevent it or not but looks like no so that's good. All registered as well from what I can tell.
The BE snaps are difference files against whatever BE it was taken from. They will take up more space if the previous BE is very different. A BE generated by upgrading between daily snapshots should be quite small for example.
Hi Stephen,
This was resolved on last FRI's build when the package cache was cleared. I forgot to reply to my own thread!
@High_bounce There's almost nothing to go on here, but my crystal ball asks if you're hitting the same issue as https://forum.netgate.com/topic/186431/php-error-after-updating-24-03-20240229
For future reference, if you're asking for help with a specific error it can be very helpful to actually post the error.
@DefenderLLC is this made to check the repository? There was issues with downgrading and the repository would have to re linked again. The linker file?