CARP not working [solved]
Hi all…
I have the symptom of my CARP not working at all.
To start; has worked in the past. No major changes (in HW/config). I have one box on v2.3.1 (backup unit), and one on v2.3 (main unit). pfSync and XMLRPC Sync are both enabled, with the XMLRPC for all but VIP's.
So I wanted to upgrade the main one, but if I disable carp all my interfaces get status disabled on the main (as it should), but on the backup unit they (-> as all of them) stay in backup state???Logs don't show me much.
When I disabled CARP on the main, I saw CARP events in the logs of the main unit, but not one entry in the logs from the backup unit.
If I trigger a sync (by saving in the menu System/High Availability Sync), I get these entries in log on the main unit:May 25 14:01:17 php-fpm 53118 /system_hasync.php: Configuring CARP settings finalize... May 25 14:01:17 php-fpm 53118 /system_hasync.php: pfsync done in 30 seconds. May 25 14:00:46 php-fpm 53118 /system_hasync.php: waiting for pfsync... May 25 14:00:45 php-fpm 53118 /system_hasync.php: End of configuration backup (success). May 25 14:00:44 php-fpm 5080 /rc.filter_synchronize: The other member is on a different configuration version of pfSense. Sync will not be done to prevent problems! May 25 14:00:43 php-fpm 53118 /system_hasync.php: Beginning configuration backup. May 25 14:00:43 check_reload_status Syncing firewall
For quick sanity check, I've did packet capture on one of the interfaces of the backup unit, and I do see the VRRPv2 advertisements.
So as I see no similar topics on this forum, I tend to think I did something obviously wrong. But I can't see what for the moment ::)Someone with a bright moment that can point me out on what I'm missing?
Tnx & br, Benny.
Nevermind… found my the issue.
As a workaround for a previous issue (carp pre-2.3), I had a difference in master/backup VIP's advertising frequency. And it looks v2.3.x does not like it. I aligned these again, and now it is behaving as it should. Upgrading as I write this update 8)