Openvpn tunnel -- > Home network-->NordVPN-->Internet
I have the tunnel into my home network using OpenVPN setup under "host" functioning, and I have NordVPN installed on PFSense under OpenVPN client routing all traffic to Nord. When I connect to my home network using Tunnelblick, I want the device to go to the internet through Nord. When I check my IP it comes back to my home network. So its going Openvpn tunnel -- > Home Network -- > Internet // I want it to go Openvpn tunnel -- > Home network --NordVPN--> Internet. Anyone know how to adjust my settings?
If NordVPN is your default route ("Don't pull routes" unchecked in the client settings) the access server OpenVPN tunnel should be routed to NordVPN as well.If it isn't and you're routing the traffic to NordVPN using policy routing rules you have also to set up policy routing on the OpenVPN interface for the tunnel network.
Consider that you will also need to add an outbound NAT rule to the NordVPN interface for the tunnel network.