HAProxy - Shared Front End but Do not Use CSP
Hi, I'm sure this is a basic question but I can't easily find the answer. I have HAProxy set up with a shared front end and two back ends. Everything works ok except that:
For one backend i want to use a fairly strict CSP that blocks the second backend from working. I don't see how to tell HAProxy to only use the CSP for one back end.
I tried ordering the Actions in the share frontend to be
Backend 1
Backend 2but the CSP is still used on Backend 2. I tried creating a separate frontend for backend 2 but that causes problems because the two frontends are using the same WAN IP.
I seem so close to achieving what i want but i can't see the answer. Grateful for any guidance on which i am sure is a very basic issue. Cheers
yeah - knew it must be a stupid question. found the option to add the CSP to the specific backend rather than in the shared frontend. all good