UEFI HTTP booting w/ 2.6.0
1st, mad props to the pfSense team for adding my RFE in the last release. (https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/11659) Thank you so much for this!
I tried it out over the weekend and didn't have much luck. I did a packet capture and compared my pfSense box vs a working dhcpd.conf. Basically it's not responding with option vendor-class-identifier "HTTPClient"; so the system trying to boot doesn't know to use the file passed to it. Or at least that's what it looks like. The good news is there's a really simple work around in this release. Simply add an additional option -> 60 -> text -> HTTPClient save and you're good.
Now, I can PXE boot & http boot on my network, and it rocks. In the future it would be amazing if this option was added automatically when using this feature. It could be further enhanced by supporting multiple architecture types like we have with PXE. Unfortunately though there's not much documentation out there on this subject and I cannot find anything outside of x86_64.
Anyway, hopefully this will help anyone else looking to use this new killer pfSense feature!
Ben -
If there isn't one already, make an entry on https://redmine.pfsense.org for that. It should be a fairly simple change to add that option in whenever the HTTPBoot URL is added to the DHCP config.
@jimp Done! https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/12892
Thanks for the help on this one!