What is this board??? Help!
After a new install with only 1 warning about (/dev/sdb2 contains a ext4 file system)
was it possible to login to
Also over SSH ok. Unfortunately in both cases a password was requested, which I do not know yet.
So far So good,
Thank you Kristian and others.
ps screenshots of latest install available for enthusiasts -
The default login for OpenWRT is root with an empty password.
I know, but in this case it's a complete Kristian img. (baked with openwrt in it). -
pw found,
to be continued. -
@chrismontrose, I have Velocloud Edge500, & would like to install pfsense / esxi. I saw you can console connect with Velocloud. Would you please provide information on how to. I saw, a connector plugged . Is it Console serial port ?
thank very much.HKBebe7.
I'm having trouble with logging in to root on my 520 unit. Regardless of the login, it says "login incorrect". I've tried various combinations including "root, root" and "admin, velocloud" with no success. I was able to get into failsafe mode but was unable to change the root password using the passwd command. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!
@dextaslab said in What is this board??? Help!:
Thank you for keeping this alive!
Could someone share the root login info? I've tried lots of different combinations to get into the root user. I was able to get into safe mode which seemed to be a root user but no commands worked that I could think of. If anyone knows of a way to get root, let me know!
@osbnet we can not decrypt root password but you can change it via fail-safe mode of openwrt
Step #1: Disable watchdog
Method #1: Prefer link https://modlog.net/velocloud-520-to-opensource/
Method #2: Use Bios flash tool to flash old bios version at https://bitbucket.org/velocloud/openwrt/src/master/trunk/target/linux/x64/edge5x0/files/root/firmware/5×0/vc5x0-cb-01-bootorder.romStep #2: Connect PC with EDGE 520 via mini usb cable (speed 115200/8/1/none)
Step #3: Plug adapter to EDGE 520 and waiting device boot
Step #4: Press f to enter fail-safe mode
Step #5: Run two command below to change password
echo -e "youpassword\nyoupassword" | passwd rootreboot device and try login with new password
@maitien2004 I've flashed the ROM you've mentioned and from what is appears in strings it looks good:
strings vc5x0-cb-01-bootorder.rom |grep watchdog -i
Disabling Watchdog timer...
CONFIG_USE_WATCHDOG_ON_BOOT=ystrings my-current.rom |grep watchdog -i
Found watchdog event..storing...
Raising Watchdog timer timeout to 3min...
CONFIG_USE_WATCHDOG_ON_BOOT=yI tested it with a Win11 Install USB - it complained about no UEFI, but that screen stayed up for longer than 3 minutes, so I'm calling it a win so far :-)
for your information,
and thanks for the alternative rom
Also put this rom on it, then linuxmint-live on it, it ran fine, and indeed no wachdog.
Unfortunately only wlan, but no lan ports. -
@maitien2004 I figured out the root password. Apparently it’s “VeloHello000” (replace 000 with the last 3 digits of your serial). Only problem is, I wiped the internal storage by accident effectively making this device useless without an image to boot from. I used the openwrt build on the modlog page and it booted but I haven’t been able to install it to the internal storage yet.
@osbnet Thanks for your information.
You can boot from usb device and after booted you can use dd command to clone partition from usb to internal storage. -
@maitien2004 I used the dd command and it finished but from what I remember, grub couldn’t find the boot partition (I tried this was last month). I’ll try it again and update with my progress.
@osbnet Please use dd command to clone all disk from usb to internal storage or clone one by one three partitions (partition index 0, 1(efi include grub) and 2(openwrt))
Example: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb -
Yes, now installed opensense on the velocloud , the install (vga) went well. How to proceed, I don't know yet.
to be continued. -
@adven Download installation file from opnsense website and burn iso/img file to usb and plug usb to velocloud to boot and install.
Hey. i know my english is not good but what you advise to me is exactly what il already did...
The problem for me now is that I have to delve into the opensense config, and how to create working wan/lan ports.
My post was more informational for others working with this box, or for tips on velocloud port drivers.
gr. ad. -
@adven opnsense only detect two wan port (520-AC model) so your want use all wan/lan port you need to edit/update driver. I still working on this and give u new information asap.
Yes, it needs a modified igb driver to expose the mdio control bus for the switch. It was discussed earlier in this thread. There are FreeBSD drivers out there that do this but I'm not sure they've ever been made public.