How to use Lightsquid and set configuration
Hi All,
I was wondering if I can ask for help with my light squid, I just recently installed it in my pfsense.
After the simple or basic configuration, I tested how it worked on day one, the results were just fine in lightsquid portal.
I noticed that there a something that is not quite right, the "real name" column is "?" and under Top Sites, it shows some "IP address" instead of a domain name.
- how to be not? in real name
- how to domain name instead of IP address
Can you help me guys with these two concerns of mine.
Sincerely thankful.
@tiger-0 In Squid Proxy Report config, what do you have IP Resolve Method set to?
@kom I set it to default DNS.
@kom Which once should I should choose to see the real name and the domain name, there are other options that I don't have any idea about it
I see that in DNS, it already said hostname, so I thought that it should show the it.
@tiger-0 I have mine set for DNS and it works for me. It just does a reverse lookup on the IP with whatever DNS you have pfSense set to use. The clients have to be registered in DNS for them to resolve. This happens automatically I believe when they're DHCP clients. Static clients may need to be manually added to your DNS.
Yeah, if you're using pfSense for DHCP you need to set Unbound to register DHCP leases in order to resolve them.
@stephenw10 where can I find this?
@tiger-0 Services - DNS Resolver or DNS Forwarder, depending on which you use. Resolver is the default.