OpenVPN - masquerade traffic to access IPSec tunnel
Good morning everyone and thanks to those who will help me :D
I have configured this scenario:
pfSense 2.6.0
OPENVPN SERVER IP: had to create an IPSec VPN to one of our customers which accepts only traffic coming from our LAN subnet (their internal rules).
I need to make sure that users who connect via OpenVPN client to our network and then reach it with subnet can reach the resources on the other end of the IPSec VPN.
I was thinking to mask all the traffic from network to IPSec so that it shows up with IP guess there is a need to configure an outbound NAT but I can't figure out how.
Can you help me?
Thank you very much! -
The IPSec phase 2 BINAT / PAT is meant to do this.Add an additional p 2. Enter the OpenVPN tunnel network into the Local Network box.
Maybe you can limit the OpenVPN clients to a smaller subnet, so you can nat to whole tunnel network to an unused segment of your LAN.
Then you could select Network at NAT/BINAT translation and enter the translation network segment.Otherwise you have to use a single address for all OpenVPN client. Then select Adress and state it in the next right box.
Thank you for your response.
I set the p2 to use a single address for NAT/BINAT translation and it works perfectly!
Thank you!