No default gateway for virtual client
Currently i'm building my new home infrastructure on a new second internet. This enviroment is alone and only via Esxi MGMT interface reachable from my current LAN.
So i have my new WAN connection which is comming in via Zyxel AX7501 bridge mode and with VLAN 10 Tagging (Provider requires this). Also the ISP requires DHCP Option 60 which I send from pfsense on the wan interface. This also works fine and I recieve a public WAN IP on my Pfsense.
So far everything is fine and working.
This pfsense is virtual on a esxi 7.0 U3 (free version) and on the latest version currenty Community Edition. I have only 1 LAN interface active with a own port group and an own virtual switch from esxi attached to the virtual pfsense.
On this portgroup I added a VM and there's no uplink active to a physical switch at the moment. This VM doesn't recieve the default gateway from the pfsense but I can acess the pfsense from this vm. If I add the default gateway manual I also recieve internet. But usualy I don't have to add this manually or add this manually in the DHCP Server.
Esxi portgroup
Seriously the pfsense is with default installation i only added WAN which is working fine. No VLAN's are configured. No multiwan at the moment. And only with 1 LAN interface wihich is called VLAN100 as portgroup on the esxi (not tagged at the moment).
I set the pfsense today back to default because I want to know the problem.vswitch configuration
Thank you for any help.
The problem was my NAT outbound rules which were not set. Also I had a problem with the MSS / MTU because my ISP requires there specific values.