Pfsense Can't get WAN IP
I am about to loose my mind :) So I've tried virtual firewall and hardware firewall, tried two different modems, hard reset, factory reset, you name it, I tried everything , tried 3 different brand new hardware to test the issue, and few different VM using ESXI and Proxmox, I am just not getting WAN IP from my ISP. I use SPECTRUM, Before I thought it was modem, So I went ahead and bought my own motorolla modem and same issue, I will not get WAN IP, I did get the IP before out of no where, and then after restart WAN IP went away.
I use ASUS WIfi Router which is set up as dumb mode, i.e. access point
Modem == > hardware pfsense firewall 2.6 >>> asus wifi access point.
I've tried all the possible solution , is there anything I can do like thru shell to make this work.
@sbwcws Have you run a packet capture on the WAN port to see what's happening with the DHCP requests?
@rcoleman-netgate no, but I can try now.
@sbwcws Alright it's fixed :) I can't believe this.. All this time I was using the wrong ethernet port for WAN lol hahaha.
So this is what I did , I plug in the WAN cable to my hardware firewall and and in assign interface in pfsense , I was looking for status , for example if port is down or up & in my case I was using the wrong LAN port which is the main reason why I wasn't getting WAN IP, but after catching that minor error on my side, I was able to fix that issue and now I can use my lovely PFSENSE. I just can't even imaging using anything but PFSENSE.
@sbwcws Glad you were able to figure it out!
@rcoleman-netgate just a quick question, can I use CACTI Graphs with in Pfsense
@sbwcws Unclear - it's not supported as far as I can tell. I'd open a new topic in what you think might be the most appropriate spot or search the forums for other's past inquiries or attempts.