HD 4600 driver for 2.6.0
Tried to boot 2.6.0 using on board HD 4600 chip. Left 6-8 chars missing (boot ok just can not read). Boot with old pcie card, boots fine. This did work. I understand that freeBSD changed HD4600 driver for 12.3. How do I replace HD 4600 driver that works (old driver)? This is on a ga-z87x-ud5h with i7-4770k (replaced from usage as will not install Windows 11). I would like to recover pcie slot as my rtl8125b is working at 1gb but is a 1x card and 2.5gb may require 4x card (I only have 1x and 16x pcie slots)
A 1x PCIe 2.0 slot can provide 4Gbps bandwidth so it's probably not a problem.
That board has 3 x16 slots though, are the others unavailable?
Do you actually see a graphics driver attach? pfSense doesn't include many drivers for that sort of thing. They're not needed in a firewall.
Thank you for reply. Video card have been having problems and now has failed and took out pfSense, no idea how. Required reinstall of 2.6.0. Install is an adventure when the left 6 chars are missing. Now I need to buy a supported video board or find how to correct/install freeBSD driver. Always something. Thanks for your input.
I would be very surprised if there is a driver being used there.
What version did you have installed that displayed correctly?
I installed first on Aorus B450 board using onboard video. With Windows 11 my Z87X could not update, so i made Z87X a pfSense and B450 updated to windows 11. Windows 10 worked on video onboad (not the same thing). When pfSense first boots the text is fully displayed, not until system starts loading does the left 6-8 chars go missing (they are probably there just trying to display beyond screen). I use a 45" TCL as a monitor, for pfSense, pc and tv. The i7-4770K was popular so someone has used it for pfSense before me. Or I will need to buy a supported video card, so I can reinstall pfSense packages. Thanks for your help and ideas for places to check.
It's almost certainly just use the frame buffer and outputting at it's default resolution. I doubt a different version of pfSense would behave any differently.
You might just try a different monitor. Some TVs just don't handle the low res and refresh rates well.
That board has a serial header. You could fit a serial port and use the serial console instead.
You could just install in something else and then move the drive across. You would only need to use the console at all if the NICs are different.