Making Monit package
I am putting together a Monit package (
I have a minimal UI which is simply a large textarea for the config file, but this is my first time creating a pkg and dealing with the sharp end of ports.
I have a couple of issues I could do with some pointers on:
When saving the config from the textarea the new lines are stripped out which clobbers the config. How can I get the raw field input?
I have based my package on node_exporter which requires the underlying pkg. my monit package also requires the underlying monit pkg which provides the binary and rc file. How can I ensure that the monit pkg is installed with my pkg?
Progress here:
I have added an installable package which manually fetches and installs monit from the website, this gets around the missing monit package issue (2)
However issue (1) remains, but this package can be added and if you're comfortable manually editing your monitrc file via SSH then the package should work for you, I am running it now.