Introducing the New Rack Mount for Netgate 4100 / 6100
We're happy to introduce our new 1U rack mount kit for the Netgate 4100 and 6100! See our latest blog post for more details, and visit our shop to order yours!
Neat..... in for 1
@mleighton when will mine ship? Really looking forward to it.
Lol, just received my vertical wall mount kit.
Fired up the new 4100, added the RSS widget, and saw ..... that there was a horizontal kit now.
@cwagz got my tracking number. Awesome!
@mleighton Have you heard of any problems mounting this in a rack that has a door? It looks like the power plug might stick out far enough to interfere with the door closing. A right angle adapter for the power plug might be needed?
@luckman212 I’d say anyone with this issue has their front rails too far forward in the rack.
The bottom of the unit is a big heat sink, isn't it? I was trying to figure out the cutout in the rack mount until I flipped over a 2100.
Very nice, especially the space for the power brick.
@mer Indeed, and the mounting points on the rack mount will act as heat-dispersal points, too, to an extent.
The new rack makes me wish I had a 6100 for my lab.
I love this got it for my 6100. I still setup up my rack put this is the start.