So, what's your thoughts on this behaviour?
I have literally just re installed and re configured my HOST and all VMs last night.
Going to need some sort of explanation of what you're looking at there.
Doesn't seem to be anything to do with pfSense though.
@stephenw10 to be fair it's not, but it's running on my pfSense host. Just thought being security focused people best place to ask.
Why does Java.exe keep opening a new process on a new port every second? And why are there so many Java processes open?
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No idea. What's the hypervisor? What else is it running?
@stephenw10 was a windows 10 running HyperV, with unifi controller software. That's pretty much it.
There were a bunch of ports open on the windows machine, upon digging they all came back pointing to some kind of botnet.
Hmm, well that doesn't sound good.
Maybe consider a different hypervisor if that's your main firewall.