More on Abnormally High CPU Usage
Steve, I have to be very careful here as I said I am very new to pfsense.
Diagnostics / Edit File
Advanced Users Only
The capabilities offered here can be dangerous.
No support is available. Use them at your own risk!Save / Load a File from the Filesystem
(Path to file to be edited) ..................................................
Load - Browse - Save - GoTo Line #Sorry, but in my case I require exact instructions, so I can write it down, save it for potential future use, or to correct my mistakes.
Thanks for being patient with a newbie
in "file to be edited" enter /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/
click Load
next to "go to line #" enter 4139 and press that "go to line #" button
change the line as noted above
click SaveI believe at that point you should Diagnostics/Reboot to ensure the change has been loaded. Not sure that's required but it won't hurt.
I followed your instructions however line 4139 does not have anything close to the previous code
as noted bt NOCling /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/
Line: 4139
$r = explode(')', $result, 2);
$r = explode(' ', $result, 2);$r = explode(')', $result, 2);
this coding is Not found plus or minus 50 lines in my version (22.05)
Perhaps if you gave me the code line 10 line before and 10 line after the desired code I may be able to scan and locate the desired code of
r = explode
Or the Code sequence that this small change is part of.
I will not just drop the suggested code anywhere as the instructions are very specific:
FROM - $r = explode(')', $result, 2);
TO - $r = explode(' ', $result, 2); -
My 2100:
Its there.
22.05-RELEASE (arm64)
pfBlockerNG-devel 3.1.0_4 -
@courierdog What version of pfBlockerNG-devel do you have? 3.1.0_4 is the latest.
$rule_list = array(); $rule_list['id'] = array(); $rule_list['other'] = array(); $rule_list['int'] = array(); exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -vvsr 2>&1", $results); if (!empty($results)) { foreach ($results as $result) { if (substr($result, 0, 1) == '@') { $r = explode(')', $result, 2); // pfSense > v2.6 uses an 'ridentifier' string if (strpos($result, 'ridentifier') != FALSE) { $id = trim(strstr(strstr($r[1], 'ridentifier', FALSE), ' ', FALSE)); } else { $id = ltrim(strstr($r[0], '(', FALSE), '('); } // Find rule descriptions and type for pfBlockerNG Tracker IDs if (strpos($r[1], ' <pfB_') !== FALSE) { $descr = ltrim(stristr($r[1], '<pfb_', FALSE), '<'); $descr = strstr($descr, ':', TRUE); $type = strstr(trim($r[1]), ' ', TRUE); if ($type == 'match') { $type = 'unkn(%u)'; }
pfBlockerNG-devel net 3.1.0_4And I am not finding the coding you are listing.
This is beginning to scare the life out of me.
pfsense was recommend to be as a solution to all the crap I have been going through.
It certainly has removed 99.9% of the issues.
I noticed that I was getting notifications from MaxMind stating I required a license.
In another blog it suggested an update to the pfBlocker which I did, and it worked for about 30 minutes and then I noticed the increased CPU Usage.
Which has alarmed me, as I do not want to be running the CPU at excessive usage and possible risk overheating the device.
It was that the other day when I logged in I noticed the CPU usage had gone totally mad as it has bee typically less than ten with the occasional burst to 40% for a second. -
I now notice the following notifications at the bottom of the page
= Update = Current= Remove = Information = Reinstall
Newer version available
Package is configured but not (fully) installed or deprecated.
I have been working my way through the book SAFER @ Home by Michael Lines.
This is where he suggested I use PfBlocker as a means to block the obvious CyberAttack avenues.
So my setup ha only gone as far as he outlines in his book. -
@courierdog The package page can be a bit confusing at first. The bottom is just a legend, but it doesn't say it's a legend. On this one the system patches package has an upgrade available, the others do not:
re: file, you have the right file? Did you CTRL+F it? Once I typo'd the "4139" and got myself confused.
@courierdog said in More on Abnormally High CPU Usage:
I now notice the following notifications at the bottom of the page
= Update = Current
= Remove = Information = Reinstall
Newer version available
Package is configured but not (fully) installed or deprecated.That's just the key to the list of installed packages.
I assume you are seeing the file existing?
once I enter and load the file I receive the following:
- part of pfSense (
- Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Rubicon Communications, LLC (Netgate)
- Copyright (c) 2015-2022
- All rights reserved.
This tells me I have loaded the pfblockerng
I enter the Line Number 4139 and press ENTER
I arrive at the following:
// Create update file indicator for update process
} else {
pfb_logger('.', 1);
exec("/usr/bin/gunzip -c {$file_dwn}.raw > {$file_dwn}.orig", $output, $retval);
elseif ($file_type == 'application/x-bzip2') {
pfb_logger('.', 1);
exec("/usr/bin/bzip2 -dkc {$file_dwn}.raw > {$file_dwn}.orig", $output, $retval);
elseif ($file_type == 'application/zip') {// Extras - MaxMind/TOP1M downloads if ($type == 'geoip' || $type == 'top1m') { // Determine if Zip contains multiple files exec("/usr/bin/tar -tf {$file_dwn}.raw 2>&1", $archive_count, $retval); if ($archive_count[0] == 'tar: Failed to set default locale') { unset($archive_count[0]);
You could always remove and reinstall the package. By default it keeps its settings.
CTRL+F should find "$r = explode(')', $result, 2);" only once. It's several scrolls/pages below the code you posted.
Steve, I was just going to say the code you listed is several pages below where I came up at 4139 on my computer.
I use a MacBook Pro
And I stand corrected when I enter the page #4139 I hit enter (return)
I will now go to the file as you described and wait for further instructions. -
I finally did find the files as you and Steve posted.
They are several pages below where I landed after entering 4139 and pressing enter.The FROM and TO that has been suggested.
If I do this from the GUI
FROM $r = explode(')', $result, 2);
TO. $r = explode(' ', $result, 2);Is this a matter of typing over the existing code as displayed and pressing SAVE
Or is there something else I must do.
I have never edited the pfsense code directly only configured the install set up from the GUI
@courierdog said in More on Abnormally High CPU Usage:
Is this a matter of typing over the existing code as displayed and pressing SAVE
If it breaks, edit the file back again, or just uninstall/reinstall the package to get the original file. (you could, say, copy/paste the entire field into a file on your PC)
Thanks, I entered the code over the existing code, pressed save.
Received the notification the file was saved successfully.Diagnostics -> Reboot
For the first few minutes the CPU Usage was 20-40%
Now it is back at 99-100%
I will recheck the code to verify if it was changed.The current code
if (substr($result, 0, 1) == '@') {
$r = explode('', $result, 2); // pfSense > v2.6 uses an 'ridentifier' string
This is as I was instructed except I expected a space between the ' ',
So any more suggestions?
@courierdog said in More on Abnormally High CPU Usage:
$r = explode('', $result, 2);
It should be a space:
$r = explode(' ', $result, 2);
The edited text code had one space between the two '%(#000000)[Since it was still running CPU usage of 99-100% I decided to add a second space.]
Result after 15 minutes of operation
CPU Usage = 14-40%While not back to the 5-26% where was running before I began to get notification of a required License for MaxMind.
@courierdog OK, it had no space above. It needs one, or it wonโt process the data correctly. The CPU may fluctuate as it processes. A 2100 doesnโt have a super powerful CPU but does fine for what it is. The dashboard uses CPU as it updates. My 2100 is hovering around 15-25% on the dashboard while watching a streaming show.
Steve: the SG-2100, is a huge improvement over the SG-1100 I started with.
I got the one with the maximum amount of RAM.
My opinion is Netgate should have a slightly more open platform, allow, 3rd party storage and 3rd party RAM.
One other option which I would like to see is a plug in WiFi board.
I like the Netgate pfsense box because it draws so little power, and it is a stand alone firewall.
My other option is a small footprint box suitable for Linux but they draw too much current for the dedicated task.
I have run virtually every commercial home network router on the market.
I have had cyber attacks and a hyjack of my WiFi System.
Since the install of the pfsense firewall, ZERO successful intrusions or hyjacking of my WiFi.
So far I am quite happy with the Netgate SG-2100 pfsense Firewall.
Thanks for your patience and willingness to help a newbie.
While I had worked for a Telco for 22 years, I worked on the RF side of the house.
Any internet networking is all new to me even at 81 I still do all my own work on the Home all Apple Network c/w 2 NAS storage units. -
@courierdog said in More on Abnormally High CPU Usage:
Netgate should have a slightly more open platform, allow, 3rd party storage and 3rd party RAM.
I get your point but especially with the smaller devices I would expect parts are fastened to the board and there aren't slots. Third party parts are tricky, if it causes a problem and the owner wants tech support why should that be on Netgate? Etc.
One other option which I would like to see is a plug in WiFi board.
If you watch this forum a while you'll see people post that FreeBSD wireless drivers are not great. (ref: Netgate support time above) So while theoretically convenient, it's usually better to use an external AP.