How to Stop LAN from getting GUA IPv6 address?
I'm hoping someone can give me some tips on how to troubleshoot an ipv6 multiwan issue. I have a WAN1 and WAN2, both get ipv6 prefixes via DHCP.
LAN1 and LAN2 are assigned static ipv6 ULAs, and clients on the LAN get ipv6 ULAs from the DHCPv6 server. The LAN1 and LAN2 ULAs are translated to the WAN1/2 GUAs using NPt. Seems to work fine, ipv6 routing works, failover works, etc.
But, LAN2 is picking up GUA ipv6 addresses from WAN2. Clients on LAN2 are being assigned both the ULA by the DHCPv6 server as intended, but also a WAN2 GUA. I can't figure out how this is happening. Anyone have any pointers?
Thank you!
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