Making internet connection on second router in stream work
Ive got a lab setup at home and trying to experiment a little..
Primary- 2.6 with FRR RIP instance on a bridge interface.
Secondary 2.7 dev with FRR RIP instance running on bridge interface
The secondary router has no NAT turned on. I can reach anything on its LAN interfaces from my desktop on the primary router just fine. I can reach anything from secondary routers interfaces to my primary router interfaces just fine as well. RIP is working.
I can ping anything on the internet from the secondary router (which gets its internet from the bridge path..) just fine.
I cannot get to the internet from a device on the secondary LAN's..
I can do a DNS lookup by utilizing the forwarder on the secondary router.. but cannot ping or access off site web resources of any kind.
Just trying to learn here.. any ideas welcome.
You have to setup outbound NAT on the primary/edge firewall so it will do NAT for the networks behind the second router.
If it was static routes, then automatic outbound NAT could handle that, well, automatically. But because you're using RIP, the NAT functions have no knowledge of the additional networks.
So go to Firewall > NAT, Outbound tab, enable Hybrid outbound NAT and enter some rules to do NAT for the other subnet(s).
@jimp Thank you!