6100 MAX Firmware
Got a brand new 6100 MAX. It seems that the firmware on it is newer than available firmware. Anyone has a changelog for that firmware?
@mrsunfire According to my engineering colleagues we enabled the combo port SFPs to report out the module status correctly in the WebGUI.
Yes, that's the only change applicable to new 6100s. The other changes were to support the 8200 hardware. See: https://www.netgate.com/blog/announcing-the-netgate-8200
Since there are no changes that are applicable to existing devices we haven't yet published an updated Netgate Firmware Upgrade package. Hence you see it reporting a newer version than it knows about. That's expected though.
@stephenw10 How does the update firmware menu option work anyway? The response in always instantaneous unlike the package updates when an actual query is performed. It doesn't feel like the firewall is doing any type of actual lookup. I assume it only checks on reboots?
The firmware is part of the package it's not a remote lookup. So if a new firmware version was available we would publish a new package with it included. That also means we can update the code that runs the firmware upgrade if required.
@stephenw10 Understood, thank you for the explanation.